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Too Much Of Meghan In The News?

Too Much Of Meghan In The News?

We know that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have a lot to say for themselves at the moment. But, are we beginning to reach saturation point as far as Meghan and Harry’s news are concerned?

If Meghan and Harry want to stay on top of their games, they want to make sure that they don’t overdo it. It is far too easy to overload the general public with information about yourself. When you are working on creating a brand, it is a good idea to be in the news, but do you want to dominate them?

Dominating and taking over the news, is very much what Meghan and Harry are trying to do at the moment. If they really want to create a media empire, releasing information at a slower rate may better instead. You can easily end up with having nothing to share.

There is another point the Sussexes should address as well. It seems that they hate negative publicity. They react to negative publicity very hard. It is almost like they will not allow it. That can also backfire on them. It could mean that publications and even TV channels will not further brand Meghan and Harry because they are simply to frighten to say something about them in case they get sued.

When you look at the lifestyle and ambitions of Meghan and Harry, you can quickly see that they are walking a tightrope. On one hand, they do need to be in the news. On the other hand, they don’t want to dominate them.

If people have enough of them, they will simply stop listening to and stop following team Sussex as the Duke and the Duchess like to call themselves. They really don’t have anything to sell apart from themselves. Maybe that is something that both Meghan and Harry should keep in mind before they do their next sensational interview.